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FDIC Directors' College
April 10, 2024 
Western Kentucky University South Campus
2355 Nashville Road
Bowling Green, KY 42101

Apr 10, 2024, 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Western Kentucky University South Campus,
2355 Nashville Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42101, USA



9:00am - Opening Comments


9:15am - The Consummate Director

Its well-documented that banking is one of the most regulated industries.  Although fulfilling director responsibilities can be daunting, the FDIC is in the business of curating strong board members.  This presentation discusses the regulatory landscape, expectations for board oversight, and strategies to ensure directors are equipped for success.


10:00am - Compliance Hot Topics

Regulatory compliance continues to evolve in 2024 and should be a routine part of your board discussions.  This presentation will discuss significant changes, including the new Community Reinvestment Act final rule, FDIC’s new Subpart B of Part 328, and the final interagency guidance for managing risks associated with third-party relationships.


10:45am - Break


11:00am - Managing Liquidity in a Challenging Interest Rate Environment

Banks have experienced rapidly rising interest rates in the past two years, resulting in tightening liquidity positions.  This presentation will discuss the challenges produced by such interest rate movements, and prudent monitoring procedures that banks should use to identify, measure, monitor, and control liquidity risk.      


11:45am - Lunch


12:45pm - National and Local Economic Conditions

The economy remains volatile, making prudent planning more challenging as forecasts change frequently. This session will provide attendees with an overview of national, state, and local economic conditions by analyzing the latest trends in sectors such as labor, housing, and commercial real estate.


1:30pm - Regulatory Panel

An open forum to engage FDIC Chicago Regional management, as well as your local FDIC management and state authority, on topics important to your bank and the banking industry.    


2:30 - Adjourn

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